This show is open to all four varieties of Belgian Shepherd i.e. Groenendael, Lakenois, Malinois and Terveuren, all of which were represented. It is a specialist show, which means that only Belgian Shepherds may participate. The judge was Edith Gallant.
You might remember that Dika’s last litter consisted of 9 puppies – one male and eight females. One of the females went down to Linda van Zyl in the Cape. At the HBSDC the other eight puppies rallied to compete against each other, with the exception of Kenzie, whose owners Camilla and Darryl decided not to enter her as she had just been spayed. There was a great deal of camaraderie amongst the owners, not to mention a lot of excitement as the puppies got together in a group for the first time since they were 8 weeks old. (they were 6 months and 3 days at the show). The resulting pandemonium caused the collective noun for Malinois to be changed to “A Chaos of Malinois”.
Here are some pictures of the puppies competing at the show: